hybrid reality
3d painting tools
for children
Spark is a set of hybrid reality 3d-painting tools for children.
Combining physical functionality & real haptic feedback with near future digital possibilities it allows children to create the worlds they play in.
In partnership with Daniel Wyrobal
Physical and digital realities are merging. The resulting hybrid reality offers great chances but can lack boundries. Sorrounding us at all times, with transitioning rituals such as turning on a screen disappearing gradually, the content bombardment intensifies.
At the same time our interactions with both content and technology become minimalistic, interfaces are operated by gestures or with a small swipe.
What does all this mean for upcoming generations? When content is presented similar to fast food, to be consumed but hardly interacted with, when everything is pre-visualised, the development of imagination and creativity suffers.
A toy that combines the best aspects of both digital (no limits) and physical world (haptics).
A toy with plenty of space for imagination and interpretation much like a white canvas.
A toy that the player can create worlds with.
Haptics - every digital action should require a physical one (more than a swipe or click).
Spark are toys for digital creation and physical play. It is not a mere digital painting toolset!
A seamless flux between physical and digital world should manifest in the objects and interactions.
Supporting personal preferences of children in different methods of creating without the use of existing clishees still existing in the toy industry.

The Makers are the universal brushes for 3d drawing.

The Explorers are used to pick colours and textures from the physical world to use them in the 3d drawings.

The Links connect physical and digital, for example by storing colours or attaching 3d drawings to physical objects.